What is Fantastic Feasts?

Fantastic Feasts And Where to Find Them is a blog dedicated to discussing the food I experience in my life. When cooking at home, I often turn to my window full of cookbooks for inspiration. Sometimes, I look to a favorite celebrity for a recommendation. Sometimes, I turn to an expert in a style of cooking.

When I first started cooking, I dismissed cookbooks because of the wealth of recipes online. Over my next decade of cooking, my opinion of the internet declined. Recipes with hundreds of 5 star reviews were completely missing the mark. There was too much content with too little quality. This drove me back to cookbooks.

Finding cookbook reviews can be challenging. This is my attempt at discussing the recipes within the cookbook and also discussing the book as a whole.

The Review Template

I plan to make roughly 10% of a recipes within a book before I call it “complete”. Once a book is completed, I’ll draft a post about the overall book – discussing the story within and the recipes.

While reviewing recipes, I plan to discuss at least 4 topics each time:

Time to Plate: Here, I will focus on how long a recipe actually takes from the time I start until I can sit at the table and eat it.

Complexity: This section will look at any kitchen tools or techniques that may be abnormal.

Taste: Was the taste to time and effort ratio worth it? Was I able to finish my plate? Did I go back for more?

Overall: My summarized thoughts on the dish which will frequently revolve if I’d make this again and what value I see in the dish.

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